Luma: Hub for Creators to Showcase their Work

Dan and Victor are two fantastic product and engineering driven founders who are on a mission to ‘help people keep doing what they love’. This year, many creators and businesses had to go from offline to online, and Luma has built a comprehensive suite of tools to help these creators and businesses showcase their work and find clients. Progression Fund is excited to partner with Luma on their latest round of financing.


My first meeting with Dan and Victor, organized via Luma’s event creation platform, went very smoothly and I was impressed with Dan and Victor’s ability to bootstrap, build and execute quickly. Scrappiness and execution are critical traits I look for in founders, especially in the consumer space. I immediately saw the potential for Luma to become a critical piece of infrastructure in powering recurring online events. While video conferencing technologies have become commoditized and others are focused on one off large conferences, Luma is the hub for creators and businesses to create, promote, monetize and optimize recurring events.

Fitness trainers, cooking instructors, other small businesses and professional communities have relied on Luma to organize and communicate with their customers. Nichelle, a fitness trainer, now teaches high intensity classes online. She uses Luma to send invites and collect payment easily and securely. She can also now track her attendees for individual events, analyze the event’s performance and optimize for future events. Dr. Loo, a physicist at the University of Chicago, uses Luma to organize a symposium for polymer physicists to share their research with peers from all over the world. This would be impossible without Luma. 

We are really excited to be alongside Dan and Victor for Luma’s journey. If you are hosting an online event or community, make sure you check out the powerful tools that Luma have built, including their membership feature.


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